
  • Planing and ideas

The idea for my film came from researching short films and coming of age films as I knew I wanted to do a coming of age film. I watched back a short I had worked on a year ago and decided it would be nice to know the story from the unnamed male characters perspective. I started by giving him a name (Harry, the name of the original actor playing him) I then deiced that her personality would be nice at the beginning of the relationship but go on to resent him because of his job later on in the relationship. The audience knew that photography was his job or a hobby from the first film so that set a plot device up for me. I realised the first scene should show the audience that the job does distract him and she hates is so I decided to have him developing film in the fist scene as its a process long enough to span an argument.

  • script 1&2

I started by doing some research into scriptwrighting first. I found this website that helped me develop the story I developed the script in Adobe Story as it allowed me to set the script out easily in a profetional way. I completely rewrote the script and did several alterations, script 2 is the final one.



  • location recce

Next I had to decide on a location. I was originally thinking a kitchen and he could be developing the film in the kitchen sink but I couldn’t think of any kitchens accessible to me that I wanted to be the set for the film. I wanted a flat or apartment because that’s what I pictured the couple having, the kitchen would also need to be open plan and light so it could be suitable for filming. I though Why not use a dark room as he is developing, with the red light I could try some experimental lighting and some interesting cinematography. I asked around and found college had a dark room so I went to have a look to check if it was suitable to film in.


After looking at the location I decided that its the look that I wasn’t for the scene, it has the space for the lights and the angles I want and it has plenty of power sockets so the location was suitable.

  • storyboard, shot list and running order



  • Casting and crew

As this is a proof of concept I have no budget for actors or crew so I asked around my friends. I found two friends Leah Bradbury and Alastair Littlewood who were perfect for the roles and said that they would do it. For the crew I asked my friend Jake Bennit-Young to assist with camera who would bring his easy rig and camera cage and Sony XLR to hotshoe adaptor to assist with the shoot. I also recruited two class mates, Tiarnnin Meely-Clarke as audio and Dylan Hickman as Lighting and grip.

  • Call sheet


  • risk assessment
