The film I want to make is a coming-of-age drama featuring two creative young adults. It would follow the couple at three key stages of their relationship, focusing on showing the emotional differences and similarities at each stage with colour and cinematography.  I want to make this film because I can relate to the characters more so I will be able to write and direct this type of film better. Also coming-of-age films are my favourite genre so I would really like to use this opportunity to explore this genre myself and improve my film making skills and knowledge. I also feel like this genre isnt attempted much in student films as it can be difficult to get right and for it to not turn out cliche so I want to go against the grain and attempt it. Another reason why I want to make this film is to explore more complex cinematography and lighting techniques by using the cinematography to reflect the main characters artistic personality by exploring more complex and offbeat methods such as long takes, montage and a very stylised warm look. This film will give me the opportunity to explore classic Hollywood lighting techniques such as 3 point and soft front lighting as they will fit with the coming-of-age genre.

The first place that I would turn to, to screen my film would be through festivals. The easiest way for me to do so would be to enter through festival distribution sites such as Withoutabox or Filmfreeway; they are easy to use and have thousands of festivals all around the world. The problem with this method of distribution is that some festivals cost money, but for a short film they never cost too much, up to around £25 each. Most festivals like to have either premiere status or only show films that aren’t on the internet, this is so they can sell more tickets. For this reason I wouldn’t put the film on streaming sites until after it has been through the festival application and screening process. When the time came to uploading the film too a streaming site I wouldn’t just use YouTube, I would explore other platforms such as Vimeo as the content on Vimeo is more for creative projects and the site holds its own competitions and gives awards for films like mine, an example of this is the Vimeo staff pick of the week.