My skills as a filmmaker definitely helped me make a successful show-reel as I know how to make a video that sells me to a potential employer. Because of this I feel my show-reel is very successful, its short so it keeps peoples attention and it shows my best work which will really help sell me.

I think that the interview went really well. I answered all the questions I was asked, I was polite, shook her hand, dressed smart and was on time. For the interview I looked at the job advert ad tried to gain as much information about the job as I could from it. The advert didn’t show company that was hiring but just the job description. It said the job was Documentary Assistant. I researched what this job entailed and I found out that it was a general assistant for the production. I would be helping with equipment, assisting the producer with schedules, locations and people. The questions I asked were how long would the job be for? And would travel expenses be covered? I asked these questions because I felt that they were important for me to know to decide weather I was suitable for the job. I showed my show-reel to her and she liked it which was a big positive point from the interveiw.

Looking back I don’t know weather I would have done anything better. I did everything just as I should have. The notes I was given back from the interviewer was to improve my CV by adding references at the bottom and focus the key skills slightly more towards the field of film and documentary production. The notes I was given back for the job cover letter was that I had spelled Skill without the k and that I put the abbreviated word DP instead of director of photography and was told that I should probably change it because not everyone will know what the abbreviation means.

From this mock interview I have learned to research the company and the job before so I know how to answer the question during the interview. I have also learned to spell check the CV and cover letter with another person before submitting. I’ve also learned that employers like the references at the bottom of a CV so I will need to add them. These will all help me in the future because they will increase my chances of getting a job.