Video & Evaluation

Above is the finished proof of concept film. Once I had completed it I arranged a focus group of people in my class (who are in the target audience) and I asked them to watch it and give me feedback on the film, this is what I got.

Camera work

  • Liked the shot of the picture in the fix bath
  • Good strong shot at the beginning and other strong visual imagery
  • Liked the main shot of him hanging up the photo, keeps both characters in focus and doesn’t distract the viewer.
  • Liked the red but it needs to be not blanket red but needs to have a key fill and back lights.


  • Cuts to too many angles too quickly, have less shots
  • Its not the amount of shots but the coverage, the cuts aren’t in the best places, they cut before action not on it.


  • Allot of echoing
  • The volume changes from shot to shot because of the distance the boom operator is from the subject changes.


  • They understood the relationship between the characters
  • Didn’t understand the story line or where it would go from then.

Overall they seemed to like the cinematography but the sound and edit needs allot of work. They also seemed to have an issue with understanding the characters relationship.

From my point of view i’m not too happy with how it turned out. The scene feels too rushed to me and it doesn’t encapsulate the feel of a connection between two characters that most coming-of-age films have. What went well though was the cinematography, I am happy with most of the shots that I got from the shoot and i’m mostly happy with the lighting as it was my first real experience with lighting.

From this proof of concept I have learned to make the script a bit longer to make the scene less rushed, I need to cut on action rather than before it to make a smoother less clunky image, I also need to alter the script to make the audience clearer about the characters relationship and situation.