
This week was mainly about The presentations. Everyone had to make a powerpoint presentation and present it to the class and the lectures, this decided the 5 different films that would be made out of the class, everyone voted for there favorite three. My film didn’t get picked to be made but I was assigned to be the director of Photography on a hiking film called Trek which i’m happy about because its the cinematography that i’m most interested in. This is my Presentation. 3453946286_c95eebea3a_o. Once I knew the film that I was working on and the role within that team I could start work on the shot list style of film and locations. I spoke with the director and cleared up the style of film that he wanted. He wanted a film with a basic narrative but with no speaking only some wildtrack sound and music over the top. He left the cinematography and picture style up to me and I decided on a bright but cinematic look with fairly neutral grading. The film will look like and advert for the peak district which is what its meant too look like. I decided on a basic shot list which is;

  1. ES, wide landscape, Stanage edge looking over the valley drone shot (2 SECONDS)
  2. ES,wide landscape, woodland (2 seconds)
  3. ES, wide landscape, Mam Tor looking over the ridge (2 seconds)
  4. MCU, pulling bag out of the car/bus (1.5 seconds)
  5. MCU, putting the bag on back (1.5 seconds)
  6. MCU-pan up, tying shoe lace and running off (3 seconds)
  7. wide-telephoto, shot of them walking along the ride at Mam Tor (4seconds)
  8. wide-telephoto, shot of them walking across the ridge of Whinnits pass (4 seconds)
  9. wide-rear tracking shot of them walking across the ridge (3.5 seconds)
  10. MCU-upwards, upward shot of the tree canopy (3 seconds)
  11. wide, walking shot at Stanage (2 seconds)
  12. wide, walking shot looking over the reservoir (2 seconds)
  13. wide, walking shot in the woods at Ladybower (2 seconds)
  14. CU, map (2 seconds)
  15. MW, them looking at map (2.5 seconds)
  16. MCU, skipping stones from rear (1.5 seconds)
  17. MCU, skipping stones from front (2 seconds)
  18. wide, the stone skimming across the water (2.5 seconds)
  19. MW, panning of people walking in woodland (5 seconds)
  20. CU, tracking through Padley Gorge (4 seconds)
  21. W, through Padely Gorge (4 seconds)
  22. W, landscape shot (undecided) (3 seconds)
  23. MW, walking into the woods (3 seconds)
  24. Taking stuff out of the bags (2 seconds)
  25. MW, laying the tent out (2 seconds)
  26. MCU, putting the poles in shot from the other side (3 seconds)
  27. MCU, picking up sticks (2.5 seconds)
  28. MCU, Splitting wood (intense sound) (4 seconds)
  29. MCU, blowing on a fire (intense sound) (3 seconds)
  30. wide, boiling the jet boil (intense sound) (3 seconds)
  31. sipping a cup of tea (intense sound) (2 seconds)
  32. Wide slider backwards, sat behind the fire with the tent lit up in the background (5 seconds)
  33. Fades to black – credits


For the locations I decided on Mam Tor hill in Castelton, Whinnits Pass in Castelton,  Curbar Edge, Lady bower reservoir beach, Ladybower woodland and Padely Gorge. I chose these primarily on there visual aspects as that’s my role in the production, I also considered ease of access and location. I went on a location recce to check out these locations before deciding on them.

The impact that the work from this week will have on the final product will be mainly visual and have an impact on the scheduling for the production of it. The initial shot list and location choices decided the look and content for the film. the locations will affect the scheduling for the production because of travel to the locations.

I feel that this week i’ve make significant progress in the production of the film as I now have a very good initial shot list which has decided the look and content for the film. I could have possibly improved the locations by doing a location recce to find better locations or find problems with the locations that may occur on the shoot day. For this reason next week one of the things that I need to do is go on a location recce to look at the locations I picked from the internet. this week I solved the problem of not knowing the look and content of the film so the rest of the team couldn’t work on things like heath and safety forms because they didn’t have a location, but now they do. From this I found that maybe coming up with the look and content earlier on in the film planing, maybe one of the first jobs is better because it frees up the other jobs to get done. Other things Ive got to do next week are; making a final shot list, making a log sheet, making a kit list, and do the heath and safety sheets that i’m responsible for.