I started the research with a location recce in Sheffield City centre to find filming locations that are suitable and decided that the Moor is the best location for the crowds of people as on a Saturday afternoon its the busiest place in the city. I will film the newspaper scene on the tram as it comes out of the tunnel after the university stop as I feel it will make the image more interesting. I will film extra city life shots from the university tram stop because its busy there and I think it portrays city life quite well. the slow motion glass breaking will be in Hillsborough College TV studio as a high speed camera is needed and that has to stay in the building. The Broken objects shots will be shot at my house on my patio as its a controlled environment where I can safely break objects. The Glass photography ball will be shot in my house because its a readily available controlled environment to film in and has the hard floor I require to do the shot. The shot looking through the lens will be behind The train station because its a quite urban aria overlooking the city and I think it will look really nice.

For the Slow motion shots I needed a camera that could record at a high frame rate so I asked my lecturer what cameras the college had and I researched there specs to find there maximum frame rate. I ended up using the Sony FS700 because it had the highest frame rate out of the cameras available. I found the frame rate on the Sony website on this page – https://pro.sony.com/bbsc/ssr/product-NEXFS700UK/ .

For the drone shots I need to make sure were allowed to fly the drone in the aria so I checked on this website – http://www.noflydrones.co.uk/ to make sure if I would be filming/flying near or in any no fly zone arias and I wont be so its fine.