The sounds that I’ve outlined as possibly difficult to record are;

  1. How to make the head getting bigger sound
  2. How to make the sound of the head blowing up
  3. Creaking door
  4. Throwing someone through a door
  5. The bellows
  6. Deflating head
  7. The squeaking of the lever on the valve

Primary Research;

The first sound I researched was the sound of the head deflating. First I tried just blowing out and seeing what It sounded like. It didn’t sound great. I then tried the sound of a released balloon but it sounded to harsh and uncontrolled. After this I tried the exhaling balloon again but this time I inched the neck to make it squeak, it sounded good but a bit too harsh so I the air out slower and it sounded better. I also tried the sound of a bike pump exhaling air slowly and it sounded really good. I decided that the best way to make the sound is to use both the slowly squeaking balloon and the bike pump and overlay them.

Whilst researching the head deflating sound I realized that I can get the sound of the head expanding from the sound of a balloon being blown up. I also decided that the best way for me to create the sound of the head exploding is to blow a balloon up until it pops.

I found some with bellows and listened to them but they didn’t make enough noise to make it clear of what it was. I tried the bike pump and it made the correct noise of the metal rubbing in the pump and the fast exhaling/inhaling air.

For throwing the man through the door I tried pushing through a door fast but it didn’t sound very good.I tried again but i put padding on the door so it wouldn’t hurt when I crashed through faster and then I put metallic and wooden obstacles in the way behind the door so they would fall and make a more comical falling sound.

Secondary research;

I couldn’t find any squeaky levers or doors so I needed to find replacement sounds. I did some research on the internet and found out how professional Foley artists create the sound for creaking floorboards and doors. I found a web page that explained hot Foley artists make certain sounds, this is the website – It said that they use something called a creak box, and it shewed how to make the creak box so I did. (insert pic). After a bit of getting used to the creak box and working out how to get the optimal sound and changing the rope I managed to get great sounds for both the door and the lever but tightening the tension in the rope and turning the lever at different speeds to get creaks at a different pitch and speed.

I found a website called Incompetech which provide free silent movie music depending on the pace of the film. I listened to most of the medium pace music and decided that a piece called Fig Leaf Times Two. Its found here –