The two websites Im going to compare are:

website 1-!/xenith-the-epic

website 2-


Website 1 is the portfolio of an editor called Mark Grassia. at first looks its a very clean modern ascetically pleasing website portfolio, with its revolving full screen cover photo and the opaque red overlay, this brilliant red colour scheme on the opaque overlay follows through the entire website making it a more pleasing site.

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Website 2 is the portfolio of producer, film & multimedia maker, educator (as said on his website) Jason Rosette. At first looks the website portfolio looks messy and cluttered. There is no common colour scheme, there are adverts for himself in 3 places on the home screen aloe, the showreel is not an autoplaying video but just an imbedded Vimeo link.

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On the pages that showcase there work website 1 presents it much more clearly and professionally, whereas website 2’s is messy and its unclear where to look first. Website 2 also doesn’t show much work (only 2 videos, a Souncloud link and 1 photo)

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whereas website 1 provides viewers with an large amount of work (14 videos) showing them exactly what he is capable of.

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Website 1 is set out in a modern, minimalist, stylish single page scrolling layout where all the information is on a continuously scrolling page. Website 2 however for some reason has 11 different pages with largely similar content and all equally as confusing. The contact page on website 1 is clear and easy to find. It offers a message box, email, location, phone number along with links too Linkdin, Twitter, Facebook and Vimeo. Website 2 is also easy to find the contact information as the links too 9 social media sites are on the home page, however it only offers up a skype name and a link too another similar website with the same content and layout.

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