I conducted research into the types of people that would visit the National Emergency Services Museum. The point of conduction the research is to find out the type of people and the age range of people that would visit the museum so that I can tailor the promotional video to the target market of the museum, making the video more appealing to those people. The research is also used for other bits of information that will help in the production of the video. I used three different research methods, first a voxpop then I published an internet questionnaire and finally I did secondary research from the internet. From my research I found that the target market for the museum is parents taking young children. The most useful research method for finding out the target market for the museum was the on-line questionnaire. I think this because I could reach a wider range of people and it takes a lot less time to do. The voxpop didn’t go very well, this is because I conducted it in collage so I didn’t reach a wide range of people and the range of people I did interview (16-21) were the wrong age range for going to the museum, all I found out from it was that 16-21 year old aren’t interested in the museum. The questionnaire did go well, I got responses from a wide range of people and found out that people will go to take there children to the museum. What didn’t go well with the questionnaire is that allot of people skipped questions and not as many people took the questionnaire as I’d hoped meaning I didn’t get answers from the range of people I’d hoped. The third research method (secondary internet research) was very successful, I found out lots of information that will help with the production of the promotional video, information like travel arrangements, weather and information about the museum itself like a floor plan map. The secondary research was also useful for finding out the target market of the museum, the museums website had pictures of children at the museum and arrangements for parties and school visits.

The Voxpop interviews are the most reliable source of information because your doing a face to face interview and its harder to lie to someone’s face, especially about things like age which really matter in some types of research. Questionnaires and secondary internet research aren’t as reliable as a source for information, this is because its done on the internet so there’s nothing to stop someone making up fake answers or publishing fake information.

I found the most useful research technique was the secondary internet research. I found this to be the most useful because I could find out the target market of the museum from the museums website and lost of other information like travel arrangements and weather from other websites and I could find it all out very quickly and easily.