My primary reearch

For my primary research i did a questioner which i distributed to people via a link on Facebook. I also did a Vox Pop in collage about museum visits.

For my questioner I had 14 people answer the questions. The questions and responses were:

1- how old are you?

1 said 6-12, 11 said 13-19 and 2 said 40-55.

2- Do you have children?

12 said no and 2 said yes.

3-Have you visited a museum in the last 12 months?

12 said yes and 2 said no.

4- If so what type

3 said art, 1 said automotive, 4 said science, 1 said natural history, 1 said history and 2 hadn’t been to a museum.

5-Do you enjoy the museum?

11 said yes and 2 hadn’t visited a museum.

6- what did you like and/or what would make it better?

I had 1 responses and 3 skips


“haven’t been to one in the past 12 months”

“I didn’t like the food ! But I liked exhibitions”


“Liked the arrangement of the exhibitions in the space, the lighting, could be improved by having more information for each display”

“The stuff inside is generally really exciting and interesting to realise about our historical past / present. The only thing I find boring the most is Modern Art pieces that are literally the most plain and un-exciting art pieces of all time and do nothing towards the progression of art and instead de-evolve it. Rant Over. -C”

“I love museums because they offer an opportunity to learn about things you may not necessarily study in school. This particular museum had a range of exhibits, from ancient Egypt to impressionist painters. I liked the eclectic mix of things because I was never bored.”

“it was free and had a wide range of art”

“The museum in question was aimed at younger children and I would have preferred a museum with more technically worded displays.”

“The was very interesting exhibits there”

7-How much would you pay for a visit to a museum?

1 said £1, 2 said £3, 4 said £5, 2 said £8, 1 said £10, 2 said more than £10 and 2 didn’t answer.

8-Would you consider visiting a museum in the next 12 months?

12 said yes and 2 didn’t answer

9-Would you consider visiting the national emergency services museum?

8 said yes and 6 said no

This is the link to the questioner:

After publishing the questioner I conducted a vox pop in the college atrium. I asked people in the age range of 16-20 about there museum visits. The video is here:

The questions and responses for each of the seven people I interviewed;

6 people said they had visited a museum and 1 hadn’t. 3 those had visited on in the past 12 months and the other 4 hadn’t. 4 people said the last museum they visited was western park museum , one said the natural history and the other said the national science museum. The first person said they liked the animal part, the second said they didn’t like anything, the third said the interesting facts, the fourth said the wealth of information, the fifth said it was interesting and the the sixth just said they liked it but didn’t say why. 2 people said they disliked the length of the tour and there was too much information but the other four didn’t dislike anything about it. 6 said they found it beneficial to there education and one said they didn’t. 4 people hadn’t heard of the national emergency services museum but 3 had, 2 of which had visited it and 1 said they would recommend it to someone. 1 said they would consider going another said maybe and 4 said they wouldn’t consider going.

My secondary research

I used the emergency services museum website ( To find useful information like the map of the floor plan, the opening times and dates and from the look of the website that its mostly aimed at young people.I use google maps to find the route and times from the collage to the tram stop and the tram stop to the museum ( this told me that the route from the college to the museum will take 35 minutes with he route consisting of a 13 minute 0.6 mile walk from the collage to Hillsborough interchange tram stop and a 16 minute tram journey on the yellow line with a final 5 minute 0.3 mile walk from the cathedral tram stop to the museum. This meant I knew that id need to set of at 9am to get to the museum for about 9:45am. I found the tram times from hillsborough interchange to sheffield cathedral on the travel south Yorkshire website, I found that the yellow route tram arrives at Hillsborough interchange at 9:17am. I researched the weather for the day to see if we were able to do outdoor shots using the BBC weather website and it said that it was going to be mostly dry with clear skies from 10am and a high temperature of 12 degrees.

I went on the website trip adviser and found that the museum has a rating of excellent and most of the comments say its really enjoyable and allot of the comments are from parents who say they took there children to the museum and the children really enjoyed the vehicles.

Influence on the production

The primary research i conducted showed that the museum isn’t targeted towards people between the ages of 16-20. In the vox pop all the people in the age bracket 16-20 said that they wouldn’t consider visiting the museum but the person in the age bracket 30-40 said they would. In the questioner 50% of people in the age bracket 13-19 said they wouldn’t consider visiting the museum but 100% (2 people) of the people in the age bracket 40-55 (both saying yes to having kids) said they would consider visiting the museum. This means that the videos target audience is parents looking to take there children somewhere. With this information I now know that I have to tailor the video to appeal to a parent.