
This can be anything that communicates a meaning. Could be a; sound, image, object, camera shot, prop, character


The meaning which is created by the signifier. Meaning which is divide by two- denotation, connotation.

Denotation– the obvious literal meaning of the sign e.g.- a rose is a flower

Connotation– the mental association with the sign e.g.- a rose means love


Messages are created by media producers with a preferred meaning in mind


These media messages are consumed or decoded by the audience

Preferred meaning:

The overall message of a text intended by the encoder


The process of reinforcing the preferred meaning. A way of tying down the meaning of the text. This can be done by captions, voice over or images that accompany a text and anchor its meaning.

Diegetic sound:

Sounds that are in the frame, happening in the narrative, able to be heard by the characters, source of the sound is on the screen.

Non-Diegetic sound:

Sound that happens outside the frame, cant be seen on the screen. E.g. music that suits the mood.

Mise-en scene:

In film studies the term mise-en scene is used to describe anything that can be seen in a frame such as; setting, props, costume, performance.