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I did research into the preferred genre of film for 16-20 year old’s. My results showed that action/adventure and comedy was voted the top two genres. All 15 people in the study said that either action or adventure was in there top three favourite genres. Horror was the next favourite with four people saying it was in there top three favourite genres and then drama was the third most popular with three people saying it was in there top three favourite genres. I did some secondary research into this and found that the web company IMDb did a survey into the most popular genres and the results are fairly comparable to my survey. The IMDb survey asked 9214 people there favourite genre and of that 1506 (16.345%) of people said action/adventure was there favourite which is similar to my study where 3 out of 15 people said that was there favourite genre which is 20%. The next most popular genre in IMDb’s study showed that drama was the next most popular with 1041 (11.298%) of people voting it there favourite whereas in my study no one voted it there number one favourite but 3 out of the 15 people asked (20%) voted it in there top 3. IMDb’s third favourite was fantasy with 840 people voting it there favourite genre whereas in my study only one person voted it in there top 3.

Research is useful because it gives you information about the general public opinions, likes, dislikes and views which can be used to influence the making of a product or a piece of work to tailor it to the likes of the general public who are the consumer of audience for the product or piece of work. This is necessary because this will make the product or piece of work more popular with the audience or consumer.

There are different types of research; primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative. Primary research is research conducted yourself to gather data or information, this can be in the form of a questionnaire or survey. Secondary research is research using primarily other peoples work such as internet pages or books. Quantitative data is data that isn’t numerical but usually information like location or a favourite something. Qualitative data is numerical data like age hight or a distance or weight.